JUDICIARY Latest Features

Judiciary Registers a Medal in MTN Marathon
Judiciary participants in the MTN marathon

A team of Judiciary staff led by the Permanent Secretary/ Secretary to Judiciary, Mr Pius Bigirimana, was among the many who took part in the 2019 MTN Kampala Marathon.

The Judiciary team comprised both judicial and non-judicial officers took part in the 10KM and 21KM races.

One of the highlights for Team Judiciary was when Mr Felix Kilama, from Jinja High Court scooped a bronze medal in the 21KM race.

Mr Bigirimana thanked all participants for taking part in the races and applauded the medal winner, promising him full recognition on December 6th, during this year's end of year staff party.

Mr Bigirimana further assured members of his good performance record once all individual results are published.

He once again called upon all staff to be part of the forthcoming Anti-Corruption walk where President Yoweri Museveni will be the Chief Walker.

Posted 25th, November 2019
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